Visual Studio Code Opencv

  1. Install Opencv Visual Studio Code
  2. Visual Studio Code Opencv Install
  3. Opencv Vs Code
  4. Visual Studio Code Opencv Ubuntu
  5. Visual Studio Code Opencv

In this article, you will learn an easy way to utilize face-recognition software by using OpenCV.

But it is almost same for other versions of OpenCV, Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft Windows. If you want, you can refer to my older posts. Installing & Configuring OpenCV 2.4.5 with Visual Studio 2012; Installing & Configuring OpenCV 2.1 with Visual Studio 2010; There are 2 ways to install OpenCV into your computer. Open the file explorer and navigate to the following path: '%OCV2015ROOT% vs2015 WS 10.0 x86', then open OpenCV.sln in Visual Studio. On the top of the screen, next to the green Run button, select Release instead of Debug and Win32 instead of ARM or x64.

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is released under a BSD license, and thus is free for both academic and commercial use. It has C++, C, Python, and Java interfaces and supports Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iOS, and Android operating systems. OpenCV was designed for computational efficiency, with a strong focus on real-time applications. Written in C/C++ coding languages, its vast library of code can take advantage of multi-core processing.

Adopted all around the world, OpenCV has more than 47 thousand people in its user communities, and has been downloaded more than 9 million times. Usage ranges from interactive art to the detection of mines and from online maps to advanced robotics.


Step 1:Install Visual Studio 2017 and OpenCV¶

1.Install Visual Studio 2017 on your computer

Head over to and download Visual Studio Professional 2015. Unzip the downloaded file and double-click the 'vs_professional.exe'. Then, the installation process will begin.

2.Install OpenCV

1) Head over to the site: and download the latest version of OpenCV (shown in the figure below). Choose the correct version which corresponds with the operating system of your computer.

In this tutorial we are going to install OpenCV 3.1 using Visual Studio 2015 professional on a 64-bit system running Windows 10.

2) Extract the contents of the downloaded OpenCV fileDouble click the downloaded OpenCV file to start the extraction process of its various contents

Step 2: Set the Environment Variables¶

1.To do this step, open the Control Panel and then System. Next, click the Advanced System Settings. Finally, click Environment Variables. Please refer to the following image to locate these buttons and settings.

2.Edit the PATH environment variables and Add a new environment variable. Then, give it the value of F:opencvbuildx64vc14bin. Note that this destination value must be in accordance with the name of the file path destination where you extracted your OpenCV in step 2.

Step 3: Create a New Project in Visual Studio 2017¶

1.In Visual Studio 2017, create a new project

2.Select Win32 Console Application in Visual C++. Then, name your project and select a directory to store this project

3.Choose empty project and click finish

4.Add a new cpp file (to learn how to add a new cpp file, refer to the images below)

Step 4: Configure OpenCV in Visual Studio 2017¶

1.Open the Property Manager and double click Debug|Win64

2.Select 'Include Directories', and type in the following values:




Remember to change the value fo match the file path destination where you have extracted your OpenCV files to in step 2.

3.Add Library Directories, and type in the valueF:opencvbuildx64vc14lib. Remember to change the value fo match the file path destination where you have extracted your OpenCV files to in step 2.

4.Add Additional Dependencies

Copy the following item and paste it into the Additional Dependencies field opencv_world310d.lib

Step 5: Paste the Following Code to the .cpp File You Added in Step 4.¶

Step 6: Debug Your Project¶

Set up the two options as follows in the figure below:

Press F5 to execute the face detection project. Now, your PC camera will turn on, and your face and eyes will be highlighted like so:


1. 2.

This Vs Code extension provides the user with Opencv snippets in python. It helps in effectively providing, refactoring and editing the opencv projects in python3. All the snippets starts with 'o', so typing a letter o gives recommendation for all the available opencv snippets.
Example -

This Example detects corner in the image.

This Example detects shapes in the image.

From the examples above, it can be easily seen that how easy and fast it become to code in Opencv by using this extension. It also saves you from any syntactical mistakes and increase your coding speed by many folds.


This Extension can be installed from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace or by searching within VS Code.

In VS code press ctrl+p and type ext install extensionName and press enter.


TriggerFull FormDescription
orimgReading ImageReads image from the computer
owimgWrite ImageWrite image in the computer
odisDisplay ImageDisplay Image
orvidRead VideoRead Video from camera or a Video File
owvidWrite VideoWrite Video in the computer
olineDraw LineDraw Line on the image
oalineDraw Arrowed LineDraw arrowed line on the image
orectDraw RectangleDraw Rectangle on the image
ocircleDraw CircleDraw Circle on the image
oellipseDraw EllipseDraw Ellipse on the image
opolyDraw Closed PolygonDraw any Polygon on the image
otextWrite TextPut any text on the image
olisteventsListing EventsList all the events available in opencv
ohmeventHandling Mouse EventsProvide basic Layout to handle all mouse events
octrackCreate TrackbarCreates trackbar on any window
otrackposGet Trackbar PositionGives the position of trackbar at any time
ocvtcolorConvert ColorConverts color from one format to other
ohsvcoloridenIdentify Color using HSVIdentifies any color in the image
othreshThresholdingReturns a threshold Image
oathreshAdaptive ThresholdingReturns Adaptive thresholded Image
odilateDilate ImageReturns a Dilated image
oerodeErode ImageReturns a Eroded image
omorphexMorphological TransformationsRemoves noises from the image by performing morphological transformations on it.
oblurBlur ImageUsed for blurring or smoothening of image
ogblurGaussian BlurReturns Gaussian blur of a image
omedblurMedian BlurUsed for smoothening of image using Median blur
obblurBilateral BlurUsed for smoothening of image using Bilateral blur
olapedgeLaplacian Edge DetectorEdge Identification using Laplacian Edge Detector
osobedgeSobel Edge DetectorEdge Identification using Sobel Edge Detector
ocannyCanny Edge DetectorEdge Identification using Canny Edge Detector
ocontoursContoursIdentifies and draw contours on the image
oshapedetectShape DetectionDetects shapes present in the image and writes the name of the shape in the image.
omatchtemTemplate MatchingMatches template in any main image and draws rectangle around the identified template in the main image
ohoughHough Line TransformationDetects straight lines of infinite length in the image.
ophoughProbabilistic Hough Line TransformDetects straight lines of finite length in the image.
ohaarcHaar Cascades ClassifierProvide Layout for using Haar Cascades Classifier
oharriscHarris Corner DetectorDetects corner in the Given image (Harris Corner Detector)
ogoodfShi-Tomasi Corner DetectorDetects desired number of corners in the Given image (Shi-Tomasi Corner Detector)
opersPerspective TransformationReturns the perspective transformation of the image
oaffnAffine TransformationReturns the Affine Transformation of the image
orotateRotate ImageRotates the image by desired angle


  • Python3 should be installed in the system.

For installing python latest version you can head over to python offcial website.

  • Opencv library of python. This can be installed by executing the following command in the terminal or cmd.
  • Numpy library of python. This can be installed by executing the following command in the terminal or cmd.

This need not be compulsorily installed but it is advised to install it because there are various snippets which require this library for better and smooth performance.


Report issues and bugs at Opencv Snippets Issues

Install Opencv Visual Studio Code

Release Notes

The detailed release notes of Opencv Snippets can be found at -


  • Bug fixes.
  • Keywords added.
  • Added more snippets.


  • Improvements and bug fixes.
  • Code cleaned to make it more readable.
  • Comments added.


  • More Snippets added.
  • Better handling of triggers.
  • Code quality improvements.
  • Code should run faster now.


  • Reformating of code.
  • Minor bug fixes.


Visual Studio Code Opencv Install

  • Added gifs and icons.
  • readme prepared.


Opencv Vs Code

  • Added Multiple Snippets.
  • Snippets made more generic.
  • Code modularized.


Visual Studio Code Opencv Ubuntu

  • Initial Release of Opencv-Snippets
    • Basic Layout of the project setup
    • Added Image and Video read/write snippets.


Opencv Snippets is an open-sourced software licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.

About Me

  • You can connect with me at linkedin:
Visual studio code opencv c++ mac
  • You can follow me on github:

For more information

This is a open Source project, so for more information and contribution you can checkout:

Visual Studio Code Opencv
