Ring Menu

Ring Menu

Menus and hours vary by location. Prices subject to change. We are not affiliated with any food delivering companies. View the menu for The Marble Ring and restaurants in Birmingham, AL. See restaurant menus, reviews, hours, photos, maps and directions.

Ring Menu Card Holder

The Brass Ring Lounge. 1245 Shelby Street, Fountain Square, Indianapolis, Indiana 46203, United States. The Brass Ring Lounge; Menu; Connect With Us. We are in the fairground, specifically on a carousel. At one time, the riders on the outside row of horses were often given a little challenge. Once the ride started moving, a metal arm was swung out — on some rides this held a single brass ring, which riders could try to grab. View the online menu of Brass Ring Pub and other restaurants in Royal Palm Beach, Florida. Due to Covid-19, restaurant open hours and service may differ. Please contact the restaurant directly.

Jun 19th, 2014
Ring menu labview
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Ring Menu

Icons On Ring App

  1. #
  2. # Ring Menu Addon (for PAC Main Menu Ace)
  3. # By Pacman
  4. #
  5. # This script is an addon for PAC Main Menu Ace. This script will only work
  6. # reliably if you have PAC Main Menu Ace version 1.2 or higher above it in the
  7. # scripts menu. (To get PAC Main Menu Ace - http://pastebin.com/Z7JN31gT)
  8. # This script will turn the main menu in to a ring menu reminiscent of SNES-era
  9. # This script allows for two different radii of the ring - an x-radius and a
  10. # y-radius. This means it has the capacity to produce ellipses as well as
  11. # This script can also scale the selected and deselected icons independently;
  12. #
  13. #
  14. modulePAC::MM::RING
  15. MENU_RADIUS_Y = 64# Y Radius
  16. MENU_TEXT = true# Show menu text? (true or false)
  17. MENU_TEXT_SIZE = 18# Menu Text size. integer or nil for default size
  18. BACKGROUND_ALPHA = 192# integer (0 - 255)
  19. SCALE_GAIN = 8# pixels gained in big icon scaling
  20. SCALE_LOSS = 4# pixels lost in small icon scaling
  21. #
  22. # END CONFIG
  23. #
  24. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. # A module that supports floating-point calculations.
  26. #
  27. moduleMath
  28. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. ['sin','cos','tan'].each{|type| trig_eval_code = %Q(
  31. returnself.#{type}(value * PI / 180)
  32. eval(trig_eval_code)
  33. end
  34. #
  35. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. #
  37. class Window_MenuCommand < Window_Command
  38. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. attr_reader :angle
  41. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. @gosh_dang_it = false
  44. super(0, 0)
  45. self.width = Graphics.width
  46. self.opacity = 0
  47. refresh
  48. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. return360/ item_max
  51. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. # enabled : Enabled flag. When false, draw semi-transparently.
  53. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. def draw_big_icon(icon_index, x, y, enabled = true)
  55. rect = Rect.new(icon_index %16*24, icon_index /16*24, 24, 24)
  56. dest.width = dest.height = (24+PAC::MM::RING::SCALE_GAIN)
  57. dest.y = y -PAC::MM::RING::SCALE_GAIN/2
  58. contents.stretch_blt(dest, bitmap, rect, enabled ? 255 : translucent_alpha)
  59. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. # enabled : Enabled flag. When false, draw semi-transparently.
  61. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. def draw_small_icon(icon_index, x, y, enabled = true)
  63. rect = Rect.new(icon_index %16*24, icon_index /16*24, 24, 24)
  64. dest.width = dest.height = (24-PAC::MM::RING::SCALE_LOSS)
  65. dest.y = y +PAC::MM::RING::SCALE_LOSS/2
  66. contents.stretch_blt(dest, bitmap, rect, translucent_alpha /2)
  67. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. radius = PAC::MM::RING::MENU_RADIUS_X
  70. yradius *= -1ifPAC::MM::RING::MENU_ICON_PLACEMENT:top
  71. n = (method_index -self.index)* angle_size +@angle
  72. cy = yradius *Math.cosd(n)+(Graphics.height/2)
  73. self.contents.font.color.alpha = enabled ? 255 : 128
  74. self.contents.font.size = PAC::MM::RING::MENU_TEXT_SIZE|| s
  75. self.contents.draw_text(Graphics.width/2-80, Graphics.height/2-
  76. line_height, 160, line_height, PAC::MM::COMMANDS[method_index][0], 1)if
  77. self.contents.font.size = s
  78. draw_big_icon(PAC::MM::COMMANDS[method_index][2], cx -12, cy -12,
  79. else# All other indexes
  80. draw_small_icon(PAC::MM::COMMANDS[method_index][2], cx -12, cy -12,
  81. end
  82. def okay
  83. end
  84. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. speed = PAC::MM::RING::MENU_SPEED
  87. @angle+= (reverse ? -angle_size : angle_size)/ speed.to_f
  88. refresh
  89. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  90. # aliasing is for chumps
  91. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  92. super
  93. end
  94. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96. returnif !active
  97. if Input.trigger?(:LEFT)|| Input.repeat?(:LEFT)|| Input.trigger?(:UP)||
  98. Sound.play_cursor
  99. update_spin
  100. @index-= 1
  101. @angle = 0
  102. elsif Input.trigger?(:RIGHT)|| Input.repeat?(:RIGHT)||
  103. Sound.play_cursor
  104. update_spin(true)
  105. @index+= 1
  106. @angle = 0
  107. end
  108. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  109. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. cursor_right(*args)
  111. def cursor_up(*args)
  112. end
  113. end
  114. #
  115. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. # This window displays party member status on the menu screen.
  117. #
  118. class Window_MenuStatus < Window_Selectable
  119. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  120. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  121. def initialize(*args)
  122. self.x = (Graphics.width-self.width)/2
  123. end
  124. #
  125. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. #
  127. class Scene_Menu < Scene_MenuBase
  128. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  129. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  130. alias pac_mm_rm_cmdpnl command_personal
  131. alias pac_mm_rm_onfc on_formation_cancel
  132. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  133. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  134. pac_mm_rm_strt(*args)
  135. @command_window.index = (@@last_index ||= 0)
  136. @status_window.hideunless @@start_personal
  137. end
  138. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  139. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  140. @background_sprite = Sprite.new
  141. @background_sprite.bitmap = SceneManager.background_bitmap
  142. @background_sprite.color.set(16, 16, 16, PAC::MM::RING::BACKGROUND_ALPHA)
  143. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  145. @command_window.close
  146. @status_window.open
  147. end
  148. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  149. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. @command_window.close
  151. @status_window.open
  152. end
  153. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. pac_mm_opc(*args)
  156. @command_window.show
  157. @@start_personal = false
  158. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  159. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. pac_mm_rm_onfc(*args)
  161. @command_window.show
  162. @@start_personal = false
  163. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  165. @@last_index = @command_window.index
  166. end
  167. unless$pac[:main_menu]>= 1.2
  168. msgbox 'You require PAC Main Menu Ace for the Ring Menu script to work.'
  169. msgbox 'Find the script at http://pastebin.com/Z7JN31gT'; exit
  170. #
  171. # END OF SCRIPT
  172. #
RAW Paste Data

Sushi Ring Colorado Springs