
  1. Macdoppler Manual
  2. Connecting Macdoppler To Sdrplay
  3. Macdoppler Radio Rotor Diagram
  4. Dog Park Software

Hi Don, I am in the same boat with FLDIGI. I finally gave up on the internal sound card, and used a Signal Link that is seamless and fine tunes tx, rx and delay level settings perfectly. I also use my 9700 with USB access to MacDoppler satellite tracking and can go back. MacDoppler in the upper left, Interface on the upper right, and station controls along the bottom. I am using my Maestro as the Flex Client. Now, to spend some time learning to use MacDoppler. I will publish details on the Node-Red users forum.

Dog park softwareMacDoppler

0 out of 5 $ 80.00 – $ 100.00 Select options; AMSAT Satellite Communicators Club. 0 out of 5 $ 1.00 – $ 2.00 Select options; Fox-In-A-Box Raspberry Pi.

Macdoppler Manual

Dog Park Software is pleased to announce that MacDoppler Version 2.21 has been released and can be downloaded from:


What’s New in this release ?

* Added option to auto-update keps at startup and midnight.
* macOS 10.12 (Sierra) compatible
* Added Dark Mode option to Site Prefs (OS X 10.10+).
* Added Debug Log check box to Rotator prefs.
* Added support for Apple App Transport Security (ATS).
* Horizon View display problem fixed.
* OnExit mode fixed.

MacDoppler is used around the world by Amateur Radio operators, satellite spotters, educators and commercial customers from CBS News to the International Space Station Amateur Radio Hardware Management program, Delta Telemetry Tracking and Control at Integrated Defence Systems, Florida State University and the CalPoly CubeSat Project.

MacDoppler will provide any level of station automation you need from assisted Doppler Tuning and Antenna Pointing right on up to fully automated Satellite Gateway operation.

Connecting Macdoppler To Sdrplay

MacDoppler features:

* Full 2D and 3D OpenGL projection model of earth.
* Track List sorted in real-time order of next pass.
* Full predictive dead spot crossing so that a pass is never interrupted by the beam heading passing a dead spot.
* Speech advisory of next satellite Rise and Maximum Elevation.
* Horizon Window shows elevation of upcoming passes on a time line.
* Tuning Dial Tracking allows you to tune the downlink from your radio’s front panel while MacDoppler automatically adjusts the uplink.

Macdoppler Radio Rotor Diagram

MacDoppler must be registered for some features to work and to work beyond the 15 minute time limit.

Dog Park Software

This is a free upgrade for all MacDoppler Registered users.